Acer Group Indonesia meluncurkan Netbook seri Aspire One Happy. Produk ini dikemas dalam 4 warna beragam yang didesain ringkas untuk memenuh...
Home › Archives for October 2010
Kumpulan Serial Number untuk Anda Gunakan
� Win XP Home OEM: JQ4T4-8VM63-6WFBK-KTT29-V8966 � Win XP Home Retail: RH6M6-7PPK4-YR86H-YFFFX-PW8M8 � Win XP Home Upgrade: RH6M6-7PPK4-YR86...
Pandhawa-Tiga reborn
Akhirnya, setelah lama vakum, saya mencoba untuk aktif kembali di blog ini, alasan saya beberapa waktu lalu vakum yaitu karena trafik saya m...
Ratusan Ribu iPhone 4 Ludes Dalam Waktu 4 Hari di China
Kabar luar biasa ini datang dari China, awal pekan ini iPhone 4 resmi diluncurkan di China dan penjualannya langsung membludak! Berdasarka...
Tweak UI Tips
Press Win+L to switch to the Welcome screen. ----- Press Win+L to lock your workstation. ----- You can switch users without going through th...
Tips dan Trick mempercepat PC di rumah
Mau ngencengin kinerja PC di rumah ??? Agar lebih joss, Tips ini terutama buat PC yang tidak terhubung ke jaringan. Caranya, klik start>s...
Indonesia, Negara yang pertama kali mencicipi BB Torch
Minggu yang cerah, diiringi rasa kantuk yang luar biasa, kucoba tuk bangun di pagi hari, namun apa daya mataku tak bisa diajak negosiasi. Ak...
Licensing Issues
Here you can find a Description of the things which are done by the Program or you can manually change the following settings to have the sa...
Mustek 600 CP scanner or other software unable to install on XP
If you have a piece of software that refuses to install because it says that you are not running Windows 2000 (such as the Win2K drivers for...
What are XP PowerToys
PowerToys are additional programs that developers work on after the product has been released to manufacturing, but before the next project ...
No Java in Windows XP
Microsoft has announced it will not include support for the Java programming language in the upcoming Windows XP. After settling a lawsuit w...
Crackling Sound With Soundblaster Cards
This seems like a strange problem with Windows XP. Some users are noticing scratchy, popping sound with their SoundBlaster cards and Windows...
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